Okay, I dont even know where to begin! Wait, yes i do. So I have decided that the most random things always happen to me! Just getting that out there! But, okay so this week. I was able to go real life proseliting in the busy city of Sao Paulo and it was a really cool experience. We gave out 4 Books of Mormon and pretty much got rejected every other time. BUT! there was an older lady I talked to, probably had about 45 years or so, and she said she already had one, and hadnt been reading it. We asked her to promise that she was going to go read it and I gave her some fav Scrips to give her a little direction. So, hopefully she will follow through!
This week I also got the most sketchy hair cut of my life.. I mean this guy pulled out a straIGHT razor to shave me while talking so someone else and not even looking, and well Im alive.. But, lets just say my side burns were extremely uneven, it was a great experience none the less. classic moments. This week I also gave my teachers rootbeer candy and sour patch kids cuz they dont have either here, or real sour stuff and he was freaking out so it was pretty funny.. I miss US candy, all the good stuff is so expensive here, its very sad for a guy with such a big sweet tooth.. but an even bigger heart. haha
Also this week I decided to try and do what no phipps has done before, and try out for a solo part for our Sunday devotionals.. Well, let me just say this, there is still no Phipps to ever have a solo. hahaha It was pretty funny tho cuz she kinda started laughing while i was singing and trying out. Do not worry, during the devotionals everyone here is required to participate in choir, so i dont have any chance of getting kicked out... for now! Also here on sundays its way better than Provo because they give us 3 hours to nap.. thats unheard of, and I am not a napper! Yet, I really enjoy the relax time!
I still havent received any mail yet here, but hopefully I will soon. It takes a while sometimes! I am going to get one sent back to Sweet and Falcon here this week or next week, whenever I get all the way down to the post office. So, dont worry Uncle Marcus always comes through!
Lets see... OH! hahahah So heres the update with Elder Zenteno my Bolivian buddy. A few nights ago he was knocking on our door and we were all in bed, so we didnt get it. He then spent the next 3 days really mad at me because he claimed I said i wouldnt open the door because he was brown and I was in the KKK... hah i dont know where he got that but I never said anything so I had to explain to him for 45 minutes how I am not in fact in the KKK and he is a perfect tan brown.. me and Zenteno are back to buddies.
I really miss the fam and wish I had more time but they only give us 40 minutes.. I love all the pics you guys email so keep them coming and the emails. Also, I love hearing from you guys! Matt.. your Portuguese is decent.. haha No, its pretty good! I am excited to converse when I am fluent! MIke, Tiff, Matt and Kate- Happy anniversary, I love you guys! Rach and Ben- stay classy and thanks for running the blog.. Mitch- Live senior year up man it flies and before you know it youll be out there in Wyoming serving! MOM and DAD- I am so proud of all your work in staying healthy and fit keep it going! Also, boat or audi yet... let me know! All the kiddos, I love and miss you way too much! Hope all is well and you guys are blessed! Bom Dia!
warm regards
Elder Marcus Phipps
P.S. You like luke Bryant
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